4 day training
Developed in collaboration with Dr. Bob Marvin, Director of the Circle of Security Network, this training is designed to increase participants' ability to observe, track and describe parent-child interactions using the Circle of Security, an evidence based attachment framework created by Cooper, Hoffman, Marvin and Powell. Through video mediated review, participants will observe and understand different patterns of children’s attachments to their caregivers, observe and understand different patterns of caregiving, and identify the impact of unresolved vs. resolved trauma on parenting. This training is tailored to address the unique needs of service providers in work with children and families within specific populations and across service sectors (e.g. health care, children's mental health, child welfare, child care settings, education, and family law).
Participants will:
Be introduced to attachment theory and research that has practical implications in work with high-risk infants, children and families.
Become familiar with the Circle of Security, a “parent-friendly" version of the Bowlby-Ainsworth Attachment Theory
Understand core strategies for integrating the Circle of Security Intervention Protocol into a variety of mainstream intervention models
Create a common language and practical strategies in the implementation of coordinated, multi-disciplinary treatment plans designed to enhance caregiver’s connections with their infants and children
Be prepared to participate in clinical consultation sessions to integrate the Circle of Security framework within their current framework for conducting assessments, treatment, and case coordination.